Information Architecture

Navigating a website should be intuitive

A solid navigation and underlying structure for your website’s content pages is vital to ensuring users can find what they’re looking for. Whether you’re starting from scratch or reorganizing existing content, we act as your user-focused design partner to help you find the best path forward.

Our Approach

Following the information scent

Users look for information in the same way that animals forage for food. They need markers along the way to feel confident they’re on the right path, or they get frustrated. Organization and word choice are equally important in laying the trail of breadcrumbs to each feature or piece of content. This can be challenging when you have several different audiences with different needs and goals.

We combine years of experience with research-based best practices to help content owners prune and restructure years of organic content growth. And we help lay out the blueprints for websites and apps that are just starting out. For larger projects, we recommend seeding this process with insights from user research and user testing.