Custom Illustration & Iconography

Extend and evolve your brand to be uniquely you

Our designers thrive in creating custom illustrations and iconography that give your brand that extra polish. Set yourself apart from your competitors by creating design elements that are unique only to your brand.

Our Tool Kit

Stand out from the crowd


The impact of iconography can oftentimes be overlooked. Careful consideration should be taken when choosing the visual style and creating the symbol that will be used.

  • Representative vs. Conceptual
  • Simple vs. Illustrative
  • Solid vs. Outline


Bringing in custom illustration allows you to make a statement and adds a personality to your brand like nothing else can. It provides an opportunity to tell a story that is completely unique to your brand and be representative of your products or services.

  • Flat, perspective or isometric illustrations
  • Realism vs. Cartoon / Caricature
  • Ornate vs. Minimalist

Custom Graphics

Custom graphics including but not limited to illustrations and iconography are a great way to expand a brand expression beyond type and color use to develop your brand’s personality. These elements are created to complement your photography and type, as well as be accents and standalone objects for visual impact.

  • Photo Treatments
  • Patterns
  • Background Textures