Environmental Integrity Project

Tackling the Technical for an Environmental Watchdog

Header image for Oil and Gas Watch

The Challenge 

The Environmental Integrity Project’s (EIP) Oil and Gas Watch microsite experience had become inundated with an overwhelming amount of data on the environmental impact of oil and gas production, which warranted a level of technical complexity that took the site beyond their capabilities and control. This led to internal frustration and a cluttered user experience that overwhelmed both technical and layperson users. EIP needed a solution that would streamline the presentation and make their data more accessible to all users.

Our Approach 

In our robust discovery phase, we met with stakeholders, climate scientists, and legal professionals to hone in on the typical use case of the site’s users, the hierarchy of importance for the numbers they had, and how we should present them. Once we understood the needs of climate scientists, we focused our design efforts on what would be the most impactful.

Knowing that EIP will want to have full control over their own data, we opted for a headless model and researched different DBaaS (Database-As-A-Service) solutions, before finally deciding on Xata. We used Vite and Vue to build a frontend and wired in all our data from Xata dynamically, using Vue Router to control individual displays 

The Results 

EIP’s redesigned Oil and Gas Watch site launched with an architecture that was more intuitive, accessible, and efficient - leaving the door wide open for growth of both data and regular users. What they have can grow with them over time and also serve as the basis for other initiatives going forward.

Slides from the Discovery Report for this project

Bridging The Gaps

With the sheer density of the data on EIP’s site, it was critical for us to begin the project with a comprehensive discovery phase. We began by conducting in-depth interviews and workshops with their stakeholders to understand not only the data itself, but also how it was collected, who its users are, and where the current data visualization process was not meeting expectations.

These exercises gave us insight into a unique challenge of Oil and Gas Watch: the site was regularly accessed by users with a wide range of technical expertise. They needed a partner who could help them develop a data management and UX strategy that met the needs of all its users in a more streamlined, digestible way.

A comparison of the EIP website before and after the redesign

Sharing Expertise

With the details gathered during the Discovery phase, we knew we could deliver what EIP needed to upgrade Oil and Gas Watch. Getting there meant wrapping our heads around the data from the technical perspective. At this stage, the site suffered from irregularly formatted tables, unexpected scrolling behavior, and an excess of jargon without proper context. Leveraging EIP’s expertise, we identified the information that technical users needed so we could strategize how it fit into our build. Conversely, we were able to advocate for the layperson user and how they might interpret the information as presented. 

Armed with that context, we employed our UX expertise and crafted a strategy that did three fundamental things:

  • Reoriented navigation around specific content types, Facilities and Pipelines, giving users a more intuitive journey.
  • Removed the unwieldy tables that dominated the site, replacing them with smaller, more digestible chunks reinforced with maps and visual aids.
  • Harnessed the power of filters, allowing users to quickly find the specific data they need without being overwhelmed by a firehose of information.
Templates for various pages on the EIP site

It's the Little Things

Continuing with the theme of simplification, we saw an opportunity to craft a design toolkit that supported the UX with a minimal, vivid color palette. This gave the site a distinct character that reflected the amount of detail in the data while making key metrics stand out, even when scanning. That character simultaneously supported the goals of the UX strategy and put Oil and Gas Watch in WCAG compliance.

Different examples of the designs created for this effort

A Powerful Partnership

Early on in the Discovery phase, we identified the need for a new data solution with EIP. Their existing data infrastructure frequently caused failed imports and made embeds challenging without providing appropriate documentation to problem-solve. We had chosen Vue.js and Vue Router as our front-end solutions, giving us the power to create a scalable and responsive UI. We needed a data partner to match.

Using an export of EIP’s PostgreSQL database, we starting looking around at different DBaaS (Database-as-a-service) solutions. We wanted something that would give the EIP full control over their own data, in a way that was easy and straightforward for them to make changes as the climate science warranted. After exploring several potentials, we eventually landed on Xata.

Wordmark for xata.io

Xata is a serverless Postgres solution offering us the flexibility we were looking for with a straightforward “spreadsheet-like” interface for managing records and robust branching options, which then in turn gave us a self-documenting system for writing JavaScript queries. We worked closely with Xata internally, creating a valuable partnership with them and their product, and will continue to use the building blocks we’ve established on more dynamic data visualization projects going forward.

Two website views overlayed, one of a database, the other a website.

Keeping Watch with No Worries

The transformation of the Oil and Gas Watch site demonstrates the power of thoughtful design and innovative technology. By understanding the client’s needs and collaborating closely with them and a crucial data partner, we were able to deliver a solution that not only improved the site’s functionality but also made it a more valuable resource for all users.

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