Drew Glover on white

Drew Glover

Senior UI/UX Designer

Drew has been designing professionally since 2013. He strongly believes that fundamental principles of design translate across all kinds of media and utilizes his background in print and digital design in his UI and UX work. Drew received a BA in New Media from UNC Asheville in 2012.

An Asheville native, Drew now lives in the Triangle, but won’t ever really be used to a flat horizon. Away from the office, Drew will be watching or attending NASCAR races, doing daily word games (fastest Monday crossword time: 3:17), repairing broken household appliances, or talking about things he heard on a podcast.


Drew speaking with Madeline
Drew at Martinsville Speedway
Drew in the foreground gesturing and speaking with a room of Savas colleagues.
Speaking with words and gestures at Savas Labs 2024 Parliament in Durham, NC.