University of Virginia Darden Ideas to Action

Engineering a Drupal 8 Site

UVA ideas to action homepage

The Challenge 

Migrate the Darden School of Business’s Ideas to Action website from WordPress to Drupal, greatly enhancing content usability and performance.

Our Approach

Translate design into Twig, Drupal’s templating language, enabling dynamic templates and maximum flexibility for content creators.

The Results 

Both average site session duration and email submission rate have increased since the site's launch, which positions Darden as business thought-leaders on a global scale.

Dynamic templating in Twig

Darden School of Business sought to redesign and rebuild its web properties in Drupal 8. Partnering closely with peer agency Viget on design, we consulted throughout the design process and engineered the new site experience.

UVA Darden website on mobile screens
UVA Darden Ideas to Action menu
UVA Darden Ideas to Action homepage on various screen sizes

Integrating Viget’s front end code into Drupal, which involves taking their static templates and translating them into Twig, Drupal’s templating language, we were able to create templates that were dynamic with changing content. Then, we worked to configure the Drupal backend to pass data in the proper format and output pages properly on the frontend.

Twig Templating
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Savas is a strong Drupal partner. The end result was an easily customizable, powerful CMS that worked well from day one.

Kelly Kenny / Viget (Partner Agency)