An Effective Mental Framework for LLMs

Dan Murphy on background

Dan Murphy

Abstract figures on hexagonal platforms of varying heights

In our previous post in this series, Demystifying LLMs, we explored the inner workings of Large Language Models, delving into their architecture and training process. In this post, we'll share a practical mental framework for LLMs to better understand their capabilities, limitations, and optimal use cases before sharing Best Practices for LLM Powered Solutions in our final post in this series.

A helpful way to conceptualize and work with LLMs is to think of them as early-career professionals - intelligent generalists who are eager to help and capable of quickly producing output, but who still require guidance and supervision.

While LLMs possess a broad understanding of the world and excel in certain areas, they also have notable limitations:

  • Blind spots: LLMs can be incredibly capable in some areas but surprisingly lacking in others. They may struggle with common sense, basic reasoning, or awareness of recent events.
  • Overconfidence: LLMs can generate plausible-sounding but factually incorrect outputs.
  • Ignorance: LLMs don't inherently know about your non-public data. They rely on their training data and the information you provide in your instructions.
  • Biases: Any biases present in the training data can manifest in the LLM's responses.

However, as with early-career professionals, many of these weaknesses can be mitigated through thoughtful management:

  1. Provide clear instructions: Ensure your requests include important details and context to avoid ambiguity. Don't leave it up to the LLM to guess what you mean.
  2. Use examples: When desired behavior is difficult to describe explicitly, provide examples for guidance.
  3. Supply necessary information: If the LLM needs specific information or data for reference, provide it. However, avoid overwhelming it with irrelevant details that mayconfuse it.
  4. Break down complex tasks: Divide intricate problems into smaller, manageable steps.
  5. Request explanations: Ask the LLM to show its work or explain its reasoning, encouraging a step-by-step thought process. This approach, often referred to as "chain-of-thought" prompting, can lead to better results, especially for problems that require logic or complex reasoning.
  6. Leverage specialized tools: Don't hesitate encouraging the use of purpose-built tools for tasks where they excel. Just as you'd expect a professional to use a calculator for complex calculations, some LLMs can use specialized tools as well, such as browsing the internet or executing computer programs.

This mental model of LLMs as early-career professionals extends to where and how you deploy them. Keep these key principles in mind:

  1. Use Accordingly: Recognize that traditional computer programs often outperform LLMs in explicit, step-by-step tasks. However, LLMs excel in areas that are "easy for humans but hard for computers," such as handling ambiguous or imperfectly structured information. Deploy LLMs for tasks where traditional computers struggle but human intelligence shines.
  2. Capitalize on Their Extensive Training: LLMs come with broad knowledge imparted during their extensive training. Leverage this advantage by focusing on providing task-specific information and instructions, rather than investing resources in teaching them basic concepts.
  3. Verify Output: As with early-career professionals, it's crucial to verify an LLM's output until it demonstrates consistent reliability in a particular task. Even after establishing trust, regular monitoring is advisable to maintain quality standards.

By approaching LLMs with this framework in mind, you can effectively harness their capabilities while mitigating their limitations. This balanced approach allows you to maximize the benefits of LLMs in your workflows while maintaining necessary oversight and quality control.