Discovery & Planning

Lay the groundwork for a successful business initiative

Taking the time to establish a solid foundation at the beginning of a large business initiative pays dividends in the long run. Collecting organizational pain points and goals, gathering user data, and understanding technology constraints and opportunities are all a part of a well-considered plan.

yellow, red, and blue stipes

Our approach

Gather information and build consensus

Before starting any large project, we recommend a discovery phase. Discovery phases are beneficial for formulating highly accurate and narrow estimates. The output of a discovery phase is a report detailing findings and insights, recommended approaches, estimates, and timelines.

Depending on the type of project, discoveries can include—

  • Stakeholder Meetings - We bring the crucial stakeholders together to soak up the ins and outs of your organization; talk about your pain points, goals, and the problem you’re trying to solve, and use various exercises to jumpstart the decision-making process.

  • User Research - From analytics audits to focus groups to user testing, user research provides a deeper understanding of your audiences and provides insights that can inform important decisions and ensure the end result resonates.

  • Accessibility Audit - Every product should be accessible. An accessibility audit uncovers places on your current website/app/etc. that fall short of user standards.

  • Technology Audits - Do you have integrations with other systems or necessary dependencies? A technology audit ensures a complete understanding of this landscape and can uncover opportunities for new efficiencies or more effective alternatives.

  • Competitive Analysis - If you exist within a crowded industry, the insight provided by a competitive analysis can help set you apart from the rest of the pact.